Friday, April 29, 2011

Paws Abilities on Sale at the School Shop!

Hi Everyone!

Paws Abilities is rapidly developing a little cottage industry and we have tons of stuff on sale:-

Wholesome homemade crunchy oat and peanut butter doggie biscuits approx 200g = R15    400 g R25

Wholesome homemade crunchy beef and also chicken doggie biscuits 200g = R15    400 g R25

Soft liver training treats R10 per packet (approx 20 25 pieces in the packet)

Order taken for large quantities and get 10% discount!

Dog On cotton webbing  leashes, cotton webbing flat collars, cotton webbing limited slip collars, cotton webbing long lines, and several designs of webbing harness including an anti pull harness

Plush toys, squeaky toys, tug toys, rope toys, vinyl toys, nice big variety for all size dogs of all shape mouths etc.

People and dog gifts - NEW IN STOCK!!  Beaded home crafted bead jewellery, necklaces, bangles, earrings, and now GUARDIAN ANGELS all at very reasonable prices


ALSO NEW IN STOCK! Dog Charms and  Doggie Collar Bling with diamante  .......... really cool stuff!


Spread the word all dogs deserve a treat!

Cheers for now



One female dog and her offspring, in 6 years, can be responsible for the birth of 67,000 dogs.

One female cat and her offspring, in 7 years, can be responsible for the birth of 420,000 cats.

Every neutered cat or dog stops many unwanted babies and makes a huge difference.


Stop the death penalty and neuter your animals!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Doggie Easter Egg Hunt

Well our charity annual Easter egg hunt was unfortunately rained out! However we are not going to despair - as soon as all the long weekends and April and may holidays are over we are going to hold a similar event and re-vamp it as a doggie treasure hunt!

So the local welfare dogs will not be forgotten. Tons of prizes already packed and ready - just waiting for a sunny May day!

Thanks to everyone for their continued support and I truly hope you will support us next month for the Doggie Treasure Hunt.

I will let everyone know as soon as a date is finalised!

Cheers for now

Friday, April 1, 2011

Titles of Achievement in official Dog Sports. By Carole O'Leary and Paula Jordi

Titles of Achievement in Dog Sports

(by Carole O’Leary and Paula Jordi)

Understanding the different Dog Sports and their qualifications will assist you when choosing a puppy for your home and lifestyle.

The Kennel Union of South Africa awards titles to dogs in various disciplines. Most of the rules governing dog sport are standardized throughout the world. Minor differences can be found in other dog federations, but, in general, the rules are similar. This summary explains, briefly, the requirements and achievements awarded to dogs in the different disciplines. The complete set of rules can be found in

Most categories of work are on an incremental basis, championship status is only awarded on an acquired achievement in the highest class of each discipline. For example, the Obedience discipline starts with Elementary Beginners, Beginners, Novice, Class A, Class B and Class C which is the highest class. On achieving three Challenge Certificates (CC's) under three different Judges, your dog will be awarded the title of Obedience Champion. This qualification will be added to the dog's name on the Registration Certificate. Only the highest qualification in a discipline will be noted on the dog's Registration Certificate.

Championship status precedes the dog's name and any qualifications (in certain disciplines) that are awarded, working up to championship status, will be added behind the dog's name. Once Championship status, in those disciplines, has been achieved, that championship will precede the dog's name and all the other interim qualifications, acquired for that discipline, will fall away.

Let’s have a look at the different categories.


Breed championship status is awarded to dogs in the Breed Show Ring where dogs are judged for their appearance, conformation and temperament according to that specific breed's standard.

At a Championship Show, dogs that have beaten all the other dogs of their sex, and are worthy, according to the Judge, will be awarded a CC. (Challenge Certificate)

Five CCS’s are required to become a Breed Champion.


There are two forms of Agility - Contact Agility and Non-contact Agility.

There are three levels of competition in this discipline A1, A2 and A3, where the dogs are judged according to time and points in a course.

In order to become an Agility Champion, the dog needs to achieve three CCS’s in the highest level, which is A3.


In this discipline, the dogs are also judged according to time and points in a course.

In order to become a Dog Jumping Champion, the dog needs to achieve three CC's in the highest level, which is DJ1


This discipline comprises six different levels: Elementary Beginners, Beginners, Novice, Class A, Class B and Class C.

In order to become an Obedience Champion, the dog needs to achieve three CC's and must score at least 290 points or more out of a total of 300 points under three different Judges.


There are two levels in this discipline: Novice and Senior.

In order to become a Carting Champion, the dog needs to achieve three CCS’s, scoring at least 95% in the Senior level.


This discipline is for Gundogs, where the course is set to simulate a hunt.

There are four groups: Retrievers, HPRs (Hunting, Pointing, and Retrieving), Spaniels and Pointers and Setters.

These four groups trial separately due to the specific work required from the dogs.

There are 5 stakes: Puppy Stake, Junior Stake, Maiden Stake, Novice Stake and Open stake.

In order to become a Field Trial Champion, the dog needs to win, with qualifying points, two Open stakes.


A Working Trial Champion is a dog that is both a Police Dog (PD) Champion and a Tracker Dog (TD) Champion.

CH.PD (Police Dog) needs three CC's with qualifying points.

CH.TD (Tracker Dog) needs three CC's with qualifying points.

Working Trials classes are; Companion Dog (CD), Tracker Dog 1 (TD1) Tracker Dog 2 (TD2) from there, the dog may move onto either TD3 or PD.

There is a qualifying mark and a grading of “Excellent" which is added after the name of the stake e.g. CDex. This means that the dog qualified in Companion Dog with an Excellent mark.


There are five levels in this discipline: ITT1, ITT2, ITT3, ITT4 and ITT5

(ITT4 and 5 are the same work as FH4 and 5 in Schutzhund)

To become a Champion, the dog needs 3CC's in ITT5 with an "Excellent" grading.


Only 20 listed breeds are accepted in this discipline.

IPO is run under the same rules as Schutzhund (For German Shepherds only)

In both, the levels are: Sch1/IPO1 ,Sch2/IPO2 , Sch3/IPO3

Dogs do not acquire Championship Status in this discipline.

Instead, dogs winning Nationals get the title of SA IPO/Sch Champion with the year of the award.

They are graded Sufficient (S), Good (G), Very Good (VG) and Excellent (Ex)

Dogs that qualify carry the level and grading after their names e.g. Sch3VG

In addition to these disciplines there are various other sports available for people to participate in with their dogs, such as:

Canine Good Citizen; Flyball; Sheepdog Trials; Dog Dancing; Breed Working Trials.

KUSA Specialist Clubs may run events specific to their breed e.g. Beagle Trials, Sledding etc.

Child and Junior Handling classes at Breed Shows. Only thoroughbred, registered dogs may enter Breed Shows.

With the exception of IPO, Sch and Field Trials, all breeds, cross-breeds and non- registered dogs may participate.

Levels of achievement at private dog training clubs and schools are at domestic level only and are not recognized. These serve merely as incentive and motivation for clients to train their dogs.

Private school dog trainers and behaviourists should be aware and preferably participate in at least one of these disciplines of Dog Sports as, not only do they indicate which breeds are suitable for what style of work, but the trainer/behaviourist gains more respect and credibility from their a German Shepherd can never be taught Field Trial work as he does not have a "game nose” or a "soft mouth"

In addition, participation in these sports strengthens the owner/dog bond, provides stimulation for your dog and most of all it is a great deal of fun for both of you!