There have been some horrific cases of animal abuse in the news headlines. The two that immediately come to mind are :- The case where a Sundra man slowly hacked off the head of a young Husky puppy with a petrol chain saw, because it killed his pet bird. And more recently - after a truck carrying over 150 pigs jack-knifed in the Eastern Cape, a frantic mob converged, hacking at living flesh, butchering suffering animals whilst still alive.
I have been distributing copies of the offences listed under the Animal Protection Act, to police stations throughout the country – most of which I must state, have been received with enthusiasm from officers.
The public believe that police officers are lazy, corrupt, and uncaring – I DON’T.
I believe that there are a large number of police officers who wear their uniforms with pride, and go out of their way to make a difference. I am asking you to help to make a difference in another avenue of your job. You do not have to agree with the law, or agree with the contents of the Animal Protection Act. That is your right as an individual human being, in a free country. YOU DO NOT EVEN HAVE TO LIKE ANIMALS – but please consider the following:-
If you are cut – you bleed: - So do animals! If you are beaten – you bruise – So do animals!
If you are tortured – you are traumatised – So are animals! If you don’t have shelter in the winter, or shade in the sun– you will feel the cold and the heat, and you will suffer! – So do animals! If you are starved – you will die a painful death – So do animals! Animals feel and experience pain, fear, hunger, thirst and suffering! JUST LIKE US! Therefore, even if you are NOT an animal lover – perhaps you could for one minute, just put yourself in their shoes, and as a thinking, feeling, human being, feel compassion for a creature that cannot speak for itself.
The link between animal abuse, child abuse, abuse against women and especially serial killers has been clearly documented, for many years. Many serial killers started off their sick careers, by torturing and mutilating animals. Eventually these sick people progress to committing the same abuse and torture on people (often defenceless children and woman).
If one thinks that OUR children, wives, brothers, and sisters could, at some time, fall prey to such monsters, it might make us think twice, and then consider the Animal Protection Act.
I am not expecting you to become the “animal police” – that would be foolish. What I am asking is that if, in the course of your duty, you come across abuse, or obvious cruelty, (as listed under the APA) you report it immediately to the relevant SPCA. If there is an obvious emergency such as with the recent pig case – it is your duty to intervene immediately until the animal inspectors are there to take over, and it is your duty, to assist them if, and where necessary. What I am asking you to do is to respect the law, and follow it through.
I am asking you, not only to be concerned with laws for rapists/murderers and robbers, I am asking you to consider all laws, and that includes LAWS THAT PROTECT ANIMALS.
The offences listed under the animal protection act are very simple and very clear – and it must be pointed out that it is an offence not to report contraventions of the Act to the SPCA. It is also an offence for an officer not to intervene in an emergency.
Do not forget that people who abuse animals often also abuse people. This is fact! Standing up for something that is right, gives officers another reason to be proud. I would like YOU to prove the public wrong! Prove that we can be proud of ALL officers! Prove that you are willing to uphold ALL OF THE LAWS OF THIS COUNTRY. Let all South Africans work together, and make our wonderful country proud of us. Let us not hang our heads in shame because we couldn’t be bothered, or were too busy, or in too much of a hurry to make a difference!
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