Monday, September 6, 2010

Sterilisation in perspective! Please Cut and Paste and Pass This Information On!!!



If your dog / cat has babies, that means homes have to be found for them, and that is one less home for a Shelter animal!

If you would like your children to see the wonder of birth, the Animal Rescuers will gladly direct you to site where they can see and we don’t have to deal with the consequences.

PLEASE some pets never get the opportunity to have a loving home and human family, there is no need to add to a huge problem which we battle with daily.

The email below is from Dr. Shelagh Hahn, a vet that does a tremendous amount of work for welfare animals. Please read what she has to say will really get you thinking. Please will you also pass on to all you know.  Although Dr Hahn talks about cats, it applies to dogs too.

 Today I spayed a cat.  She was brought to me by an animal welfare organisation, having been dumped by some selfish ignorant fool. She was pregnant with 4 foetuses.

If she had not been spayed, she and her statistically 2 daughters would each have had 4 kittens 6 months from now, and she and her 2 older daughters, her 2 new daughters and her 4 granddaughters would each have had 4 more kittens 6 months after that. Continue to do the maths, adding in the males, and after 4 years you are heading for 100 000 cats.

I sterilise about 50 homeless animals a week for charities. If I continue to do so until I have worked for 40 years, I will have sterilised 100 000 charity animals in my career. So if one idiot dumps one unsterilized animal about 4 years before I retire, he will replace all the animals I have sterilised with unsterilized ones the day I retire. Thanks idiot!?

Municipal pounds in Gauteng alone have to kill over 2000 homeless animals every month. Guess what that adds up to in 4 years......100 000 deaths. So all that senseless killing is only cancelling out the irresponsibility of one person who didn’t sterilise an animal 4 years before. Food for thought for that person.

One female dog and her offspring, in 6 years, can be responsible for the birth of 67,000 dogs !!

One female cat and her offspring, in 7 years, can be responsible for the birth of 420,000 cats !!

Every neutered cat or dog stops many unwanted babies and makes a huge difference.

Tomorrow I will sterilise another 10 charity animals. While I am doing that, please send this email to everyone you know, maybe it will reach one person who will change their selfish mindset and sterilise their pet. Even if it can stop one pregnant animal from being abandoned before the year 2030, all the work I do for charities may not have been a complete waste of time

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