Thursday, December 23, 2010

How to counter argument pro Cesar Millan's approach.

Found this little gem whilst surfing the other day - though I would share it with you all

How to Counter Arguments to Use Cesar Millan's Approach

By agilityman

Cesar Millan (the "Dog Whisperer"), star of a wildly popular TV series, national lecturer, and author of several books reaches a lot of the public on dog behavior and training issues.

For most lay people, Cesar Millan may be the most familiar source they have for information on dogs, especially training. If you own a dog or are thinking of getting one, you're almost certain to have a friend, neighbor or family member at some point approach you with "well, here is what Cesar would do" or "the reason you have this problem is because you're not the alpha and the Dog Whisperer shows how to be a head of the pack if you'd only....".

The problem is that Cesar Millan's approach has been widely discredited in the dog training world. Among serious canine competitors, DVM's, canine research facilities, and well-respected dog trainers like Patricia McConnell, his tactics have been consistently criticized.

Trying to do what the Dog Whisperer does (despite how it looks on TV) is poor advice in most cases.

Now, not all of what Millan does is bad. The idea that dogs need consistency and exercise are good ones and almost all reputable trainers have always believed these as well. But his techniques tend to be based on flooding and physical corrections. do you answer someone (family, friend, neighbor) who is trying to tell you that if only you followed Cesar's Way, you and your dog would be perfectly aligned with no problems? Here are some answers to give those people.

Step 1

Tell them that Millan's tactics have been discredited by the people who originally developed them.

For instance, Millan advocates using what he calls an "alpha-roll" or belly-roll to demonstrate dominance to a dog. Except this technique was first widely publicized much earlier by the Monks of New Skete (and Millan adopted it from them). Job Michael Evans, who first suggested the Alpha roll in his book for the Monks of New Skete, later apologized for it.

Evans indicated publicly that he wished he had never written about the alpha-roll and it has led to widespread abuse. According to Evans, the only dogs that would likely accept an Alpha roll didn't need it and the ones who do need it would bite your face if you tried it with them.

Step 2

Tell them that research (not a TV show, not someone's opinion, not one person's work, but actual research with different dogs and handlers and situations) showed that that Millan's techniques increased aggression in 25% of the dogs.

If you're challenged on this claim, you can find more details about the study here:

By the way, this doesn't mean that physical corrections and force worked 75% of the time--alternative approaches had a higher success rate. But it does mean that a substantial amount of time (1 out of 4 times), physical correction and force made things worse, not better--it made the aggressive dogs more aggressive.

Step 3

Tell them that it's based on outdated research involving wolves. People originally looked at wolves and assumed the lessons we learned from wolf packs would apply to dogs. We know now that...

Wolves and dogs aren't identical in their behavior. For instance, wolves make terrible guard animals, show very little play instinct (especially as adults and when compared to dogs), have no eagerness to please and have different pack behavior than do dogs.

Our understanding of what constitutes "alpha" is wrong as well. With canines (especially dogs), alpha animals tend to not be aggressive or forceful. The alpha's control access to food (how much you get and who eats first), who gets to mate (and with whom), who gets to play and when and with what.

We've all seen dogs that are aggressive to other dogs or seek to grab the best toy or protect food. That is not alpha behavior. Dogs of equal status are more likely to fight or behave aggressively while alpha dogs almost never engage in this behavior: signs of aggressiveness (growling, prolonged stares, physical correction) are not things that alpha dogs do so when humans do those behaviors it tells the dogs that we're not the alpha, we're unpredictable and possibly dangerous.

If you find all of this a bit hard to believe because it contradicts so many stories you've heard about alpha dog status, than try looking here or look at the research of Dr. Ian Dunbar.

Step 4

Tell them it's only television. Of course the Dog Whisperer program shows the successes. And what research on physical corrections proves is that when it succeeds (which is not always), it is almost always temporary--and usually produces negative consequences. There are plenty of examples where TV shows some kind of problem being dealt with in 20 minutes or less--do you really think that solving the problem was that simple and that quick?

Here's one example of where Millan's methods resulted in an injured dog and no improvement in behavior:

The point is not that Millan and his methods should be perfect. It's that the Dog Whisperer program is so seductive because we see only short-term successes from selective cases.

Step 5

Agree that bribing an animal is a bad way to get results. But it's a mistake to believe that there are only two approaches to training behavior--either Millan's approach (relying heavily on flooding and physical correction) or bribery.

There are lots of different ways to train dogs and most of them don't rely on bribery. Actually, one method that predates Millan and has been widely used with horses, dog sports, US Navy training of dolphins, SeaWorld training of orcas and belugas and was validated with humans through the research of Fred Keller and BF Skinner is that of operant condition.

And operant conditioning isn't bribery. And it's backed by half a century of thousands of studies. Operant conditioning tends to be very successful with dogs because of their innate desire to please humans (something distinguishes dogs from other canines like hyenas, wolves, coyotes and jackals).

For more information you can go here: or research Karen Pryor and clicker training.

Step 6

Agree that dogs should not be treated like people. But to agree that dogs aren't people doesn't naturally follow that the best ways to train them involve flooding or physical correction. In fact, because of the nature of dogs (poor generalization, poor ability to vocalize, tremendous ability to perceive posture-facial expression, strong desire to get approval), flooding and physical correction work less effectively on dogs than they do on humans.

Jean Donaldson's work (The Culture Clash or Dogs Are From Neptune) or Patricia McConnell's (The Other Side of the Leash) are both great examples of practical studies and analysis of how dogs and humans are different--without having to resort to flooding and physical correction to get results. You can see verification of this here:

Step 7

If your friend or family member insists that you can't argue with Millan's success, than ask them to explain the following statements:

--Dr. Nicholas Dodman - DVM, Director of Animal Behavior Clinic, Tufts University,

“Cesar Millan's methods are based on flooding and punishment. The results, though immediate, will be only transitory. His methods are misguided, outmoded, in some cases dangerous, and often inhumane. You would not want to be a dog under his sphere of influence. The sad thing is that the public does not recognize the error of his ways. My college thinks it is a travesty. We’ve written to National Geographic Channel and told them they have put dog training back 20 years.”

--Dr. Suzanne Hetts, Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist and Co-owner of Animal Behavior Associates, Inc., Littleton, CO

"A number of qualified professionals have voiced concern for the welfare of pet dogs that experience the strong corrections administered by Mr. Millan. My concerns are based on his inappropriateness, inaccurate statements, and complete fabrications of explanations for dog behavior. His ideas, especially those about “dominance”, are completely disconnected from the sciences of ethology and animal learning, which are our best hope for understanding and training our dogs and meeting their behavioral needs. Many of the techniques he encourages the public to try are dangerous, and not good for dogs or our relationships with them ."

--Dr. Ian Dunbar, DVM, founder of Association of Pet Dog Trainers, expert witness in dog aggression trials, author of numerous dog training books, "Saying 'I want to interact with my dog better, so I'll learn from the wolves' makes about as much sense as saying, 'I want to improve my parenting -- let's see how the chimps do it.' "

--Dr. Andrew Luescher, DVM, asked by National Geographic to review Dog Whisperer shows, "Most of the theoretical explanations that Millan gives regarding causes of the behavior problems are wrong. Not one of these dogs had any issue with dominance. Not one of these dogs wanted to control their owners...Millan's techniques are outdated and unacceptable not only to the veterinary community, but also to dog trainers...

The show repeatedly cautions the viewers not to attempt these techniques at home. What then is the purpose of this show? I think we have to be realistic: people will try these techniques at home, much to the detriment of their pets."


CalmLeader said...

The problem with all your steps and criticism is that Cesar Millan doesn't do, base on or advocate any of the nonsense you posted and your "research" on Millan's approach increasing aggression is as wrong and silly and not research top begin with.

Also Ian Dunbar just collaborated with Cesar Millan in the new book Cesar's Rules - an excellent traning guide.

And one DVM's wrong opinion is as irrelevant as it can be. I can find a couple of scientists who doubt global climat change but it is still happening.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is that Cesar Millan has done more for the plight of dogs on this planet than all the Cesar Haters combined. He's also worked with those that disagree with him, which is much better time spent than dictating, word for word, how to argue with him.

Louise said...

Dear CalmLeader.
Thanks for your comment. I was thrilled to hear that CM has been chatting to Ian Dunbar, and hope that he learns from the true "Master".

Dunbar's methods are based on science, all true and tested methods. None of which involve "flooding", nor the "force roll over". Both of which methods often can cause a dog to "shutdown" and inhibit certain behaviours.

Dogs have over 30 calming signals - most of which are lost on Milan who to the trained eye, can be seen pushing dogs over the limit when they are offering him signals of submission and avoiding conflict! Not dominant dogs looking to take over the world.

I have been in private practice as a full time accredited animal behaviourist and rarely see a dominant dog!

I truely dont belive that dogs have a master plan to take over the world. They just disply behaviours that work for them and usually these are behaviours that have been unintentionally reinforced by the owners. Thus generally if the owners behavious changes, then the dogs attitude changes.

The most common problem is aggression as you stated. A good example is if you punish a dog for growling. The dog will find it unsuccessful and yes - he will stop growling. As growling is a form of communication, this is BAD - because if you punish the growl out of the dog he will most likely take it to the next level - and that would be a BITE!

I personally prefer to be warned before bing bitten. For if a dog is unsuccessful in its communication - then it will stop using that communication signal - and that is BAD!

So yes - punishment, flooding, training with aggression and "harsh corrections" does cause aggression!

So When CM's new book comes out here in South Africa - I look forward to reading it and pray that he has finally learnt something!

Please feel free to give me some current scientific evidence on the merits of "flooding", "harsh leash corrections" and "forced roll over's" - I would be very interested!

Cheers for now

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Tiffany said...

I don't think dogs have a master plan to take over the world either, but I do believe that dogs need and want a leader to take direction from, and when none is present, will step into that leadership position themselves, which often results in disaster-barking, growling, attacking objects (vacuum, etc.). Dogs living in a human world is not natural, no matter how good it can work out. They need direction and if we don't give it to them, which is what Cesar teaches, then they're left to figure things out on their own. Working in the rescue field, I've used Cesar's 'technique' of being the pack leader to multiple foster dogs who were given up because they didn't know how to behave in certain situations and the owners gave up on them. With me, these dogs turned into completely different dogs and were adopted out into homes that absolutely adore them and continually commend me on how well behaved they are. All because they found a leader who could communicate with them how to behave.

Louise said...

In replay to Tiffany,
Thanks for your comments. I certainly dont have an issue with providing good leadership. However, a lot of what I have seen on the Milan show is not connected to leadership in any way whatsoever, but intimidation tactics, bullying dogs into submission, which are not the same thing at all

If one studies groups of dogs, the highest ranking individual is usually the most aloof, distant and non-reactive. He is the groups protector not dictator. He is not the one who is agressive or neurotic. High ranking dogs dont need to go around rolling over their subordinates or using bully tactics, all the lower ranks defer to them automiatically.

The problems I have with Milan are the forced roll over and the physical stuff he does which I find highly disturbing. The pinch collars - yanking leashes and shock collars.

Most of the behaviours you descibe such as disaster barking, attacking inaimate objects growling etc are usually caused by fear and stress, and punishment, be it verbal or physical would increase the fear often either supressing the behaviour or redirecting it to another unwanted behaviour.

Flooding (bombarding the animal with the aversive stimuli) can also cause many dogs to "shutdown" again not something that I would recomend.

Dogs "shuting down" is something that is seen in nearly every Milan episode. Where dogs are offering submission for a perceived (Milan) threat. Unfortunately he does not appear to be able to read calming signals or visual signs of submission - which he lables "calm acceptence" sadly a dog who is on the way to being "broken".

The best way to be a leader is to lead by example. Promote a relationship of mutual respect, not master servant.

There are many non-confrontational, gentle methods that through patience and confidence building would resolve most fear realted issues.

After watching his show for many months now I am still waiting to see him handle a dominant dog. All I have seen to date are fear aggresive dogs and neurosis. So I am still holding my breath.
