Thursday, February 25, 2010


24 FEBRUARY 2010


This to tweak your curiosity:- Be on the lookout for a joint national campaign between Childline Sappi's Ideas That Matter initiative and ourselves as part of the 10th anniversary of Sappi Ideas That Matter, a US$1 million per year global initiative which encourages graphic designers to create powerful print campaigns for worthy organisations. The three parties were brought together by Sappi's Marketing Consultants, Trinitas. The campaign, conceptualised and to be driven by Trinitas, is at an advanced planning stage and is a logical and exciting follow-on from the joint 2009 Vuka Awards submission, Abuse is Abuse, which was produced by Freetheorange.



Pro-active work is ongoing. Inspections of facilities routinely take place and the latest was an unannounced visit to the South African National Pigeon Organisation national loft at Noupoort in the Northern Cape. It was found to be adequate. Although the lofts are the old wooden European style they are in good condition with the pigeons appearing to be in good condition with no visible signs of stress.

We report good news in that Allflight Carnival City has agreed to pay the transport and accommodation costs for the N SPCA to monitor their two international races.



The Wildlife Unit was invited to present a lecture on the subject "animals for education - ethically speaking" at the Zoo Keeper and Zoo Educator Symposium last week presented by Animal Keepers Association of Africa and the African Association of Zoos and Aquaria. The message delivered was simple. Education within any animal institution must start with enclosure design. Animals as living exhibits must be held in the best conditions, displayed in enclosures that enable them to live as naturally as possible and exhibit natural behaviour.


Sending a visitor home with the message: "This is an animal in a cage", serves no educational purpose to the visitor, even less of a purpose to the animal, the species, wildlife or biodiversity. Unfortunately this is still happening far too often in institutions operating under the "zoo" name. The educational message any visitor receives from visiting a zoo or any animal collection must aim at developing appreciation, wonder, respect, understanding, care and concern about nature and animals. The opportunity is there to promote moral responsibilities and values and influence people's attitudes and behaviour towards animals and the environment.



A meeting was attended in Kroonstad with the local co-ordinator of the Alternative to Violence Project. Their organisation does sterling work and our education programme will certainly complement their existing programme.



The N SPCA has written to the South African Commissioner, Mr Hermann Oosthuizen, asking him to reject any compromise proposals at the forthcoming meeting of a small working group. That is, we asked for rejection of any proposals that might undermine the international moratorium on commercial whaling and/or endorse commercial whaling in any form.


The International Whaling Commission may only meet in its entirety once a year but these issues are ongoing, the N SPCA keeps abreast of developments and liaises with South Africa's appointed commissioner.



With a staff member in the area, the opportunity was taken to address five complaints and as a result three warnings in terms of the Animals Protection Act were issued. The general community in this area is impoverished and in need of education on animal welfare concepts on issues including the chaining of dogs and sterilisation. The closest veterinarian is in Middelburg but the people lack the means to get there.


The South African Police Services are keen to organise an outreach project to help the animals and empower the people as it will certainly help the dogs since mange, malnutrition and pyometra seem to be the order of the day. Sadly, funding at present is insufficient to permit this.


The Noupoort Christian Care Centre (drug and alcohol rehabilitation) was inspected because they utilise pitbulls as part of their recovery programme. There was no responsible person who could confirm if the dogs were also used for guarding purposes. If so, the Centre would have to meet the requirements of the Performing Animals Protection Act for licences with conditions attached thereto by the N SPCA.


The Noupoort Drug Educational Centre was also checked. They have a neutered German shepherd and a spayed Chow cross used as "therapy" dogs to teach the female addicts about empathy.



A complaint relating to the condition of some horses was received but no horses were found, although the area is full of free-roaming livestock and small packs of dogs. A lot of mange and malnutrition was observed. Here again, there is no veterinarian in the town although some of the residents are more concerned about the cows eating their gardens than the starving, diseased dogs scavenging for food.



A workshop organised by GDARD (Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development) was attended and the N SPCA's Farm Animal Unit also presented. It was intended for all the stakeholders involved with land transformation and was well attended including by representatives of Landbank, Standard Bank, Karan Beef and Rainbow. The purpose of the meeting was to sensitise the officials of the department and other roleplayers on their function and responsibilities in the land transformation and to enlighten all as to the goals regarding the transformation of farm land. Interesting as this was, the N SPCA expressed our objectives and goals: - to ensure the welfare of these farmed animals regardless who is farming them.



Last week was spent in the eastern and central parts of the Limpopo province checking, educating and assisting working-equine owners. This was very successful. Trainee inspectors from the local SPCAs also benefitted by assisting in the programme. A full report, photographs and statistics will be in next week's newsletter.



This is another sale that refuses to conform to the minimum standard of providing water for the animals on sale! An inspection involving 4 inspectors was carried out on Monday 22 February when no improvements were seen. A warning in terms of the Animals Protection Act had been issued at the last inspection. Criminal charges will now be laid with a docket being prepared and a case to be registered against the organisers.



Good news for all of us who like to support ethical operations is that MXit has pledged its commitment to supporting the N SPCA cause by not allowing people to advertise or promote the sale or exchange of the following through its mobile classified portal, MXit Xchange:

Primates, snakes, parrots, * "pinkies" and *"fuzzies". MXit is also committed to stopping adverts from people offering to give their household pets away. * Pinkies and Fuzzies are unweaned rodents.

The N SPCA welcomes this move as being ethical and responsible. It is a definite move in the right direction and a setting of standards for others to follow.



The label of a product called Stink-Away as sold through outlets called Pets and Plants was drawn to our attention as it stated "Recommended by the S.P.C.A.". This statement was made without our knowledge or approval. The outlets have been instructed to remove this fraudulent claim by re-labelling products or removing the items from sale, failing which action will be taken against them. The SPCAs in the area have been asked to check that this has been carried out by the stipulated date of 01 March.


Until next time

With kind regards

Chris Kuch

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