Friday, November 4, 2011

Nov 5th - Guy Fawks - grrrr

I am going to really pray for heavy rain both for tonight, tomorrow and Sunday night!!  Don't forget to keep your pets indoors and safe for the weekend. Please also stay at home with then so that you can make sure they are safe.

If your pets are only mildly concerned about the noise there are various homeopathic remedies availabe. If your pet has a severe phobia or fear then please speak to your vet in advance - to prescribe some appropriate tranquillisers to ensure that your pets are safe!

Also don't leave your dogs in a courtyard or outside (even if they have a kennel available) Many dogs will panic - escape and can not only cause injury to themselves but also can present a danger to traffic and worse!

Ideally pets should be prepared long in advance for this time of the year - if you have not prepared your pet then take precautions and keep them safe!

Good luck and lets all pray for rain rain rain rain........

Cheers for now

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