Much time has been spent at the De Deur saleyard yet we still continue to receive complaints regarding handling of the animals as well as issues relating to water. The sellers, producers and buyers of the animals need to have a mindshift on how the animals should be treated. The utilisation of these animals sustains them and their families.
On Saturday 27 February the Farm Animal Unit organised a mass inspection of the De Deur saleyard with assistance from the SPCAs Alberton, Vereeniging, Parys and Westonaria. One inspector from the SPCA Cape of Good Hope assisted even though on leave. Appreciation is expressed to them all. Our inspectors showed the public and auction staff the easy "no stress" way of moving pigs. Decent and proper methods of transportation of animals were demonstrated. Inspections are opportunities to educate and put matters right or at least to improve them.
A week-long trip was undertaken in the eastern part of Limpopo, the priority being to assist working equines in the area. Some of the trainee inspectors and the liaison officer for the province accompanied our specialised equine staff. This is a great way to help animals and is also a learning opportunity for the trainees because hands-on training is effective. In total 721 equine were checked, 7 harnesses were replaced, 2 breast plates swapped, 3 bridles and 6 bits were exchanged. Assisting working equine is a continuous and nationwide project.
The South African National Pigeon Association (SANPO) invited the NSPCA to address their Management meeting on 24th February 2010 where the NSPCA clarified our policy regarding animals in sport, recreation and exhibition Concerns were expressed relating to the practice of disposing of live cull pigeons to falconers, field trialists, crocodile farms and other predator facilities. We ask if our readers knew that this happened.
We were very pleased that after the discussion the President of SANPO issued an instruction that all cull pigeons had to be humanely destroyed prior to sale, to avoid using them as live prey and to avoid any unnecessary suffering. This will be relayed to all Union and Federation members plus each organisation will be required to agree to the undertaking in writing.
To animal welfarists the 3Rs stand for Reduction, Refinement and Replacement of the use of animals in research. Asthma has been chosen as the first priority area using the 3Rs as a framework for improving models of health research.
Asthma is a major and increasing global health problem. Although there have been advances in the therapeutics available, many patients' symptoms fail to be controlled. Only two new classes of asthma drug have made it to the clinic in the last 50 years; and a disease modifying therapy remains elusive. Preclinical models of asthma currently used are not sufficiently predictive of the human disease, and this has contributed to the paucity of novel drugs.
In November 2009 a workshop was held in the UK: 'Animal models of asthma: value, limitations and opportunities for alternative approaches' - to consider (i) the strengths and limitations of current models used in asthma research; and (ii) opportunities for the design and development of alternative approaches.
Following on from the workshop, the NC3Rs is working with Asthma UK in seeking high quality applications to develop new experimental models of asthma with improved scientific and clinical relevance plus reduced reliance on the use of animals and/or improved animal welfare
For more information visit http://www.nc3rs.org.uk/
The NSPCA expresses consternation at the Racket Zapper product and we ask our readers that if they feel the same way, to make their views known at any outlet or to any individual selling them. They are supposedly for zapping insects. The packaging states that anyone touching the strings will be "making a nice spark" and there is a warning "If you touch the grill you will be shocked" plus "Don't zap people with pacemakers." At least they recognise that the gadget is open to misuse. These items are made in China.
The NSPCA will contact importers.
Years-old "chain-mails" are circulating again with various headings and all posing as petitions. Lists of unverified names are not petitions and carry no weight. In some instances (the "3rd Degree needs 2000 names") the issue is long resolved. In other cases ("The SPCA is closing down") the information is bogus or a deliberate time-wasting hoax.
If anyone knows of abuse or cruelty to animals, it is imperative to report the matter and quickly. Please go to http://alturl.com/z8b5 for contact details of all SPCAs in South Africa.
A reminder please to donate directly. E-mails and web sites have been drawn to our attention that imply they assist the SPCA. Our name and logo are registered and may not be used without our written authority. This prevents fraud and protects your own money. Our official Facebook Group warns about imitations.
Please be assured that Identipet is endorsed by the NSPCA and carries the SPCA logo on its products and materials with our knowledge and approval. Certain SPCAs benefit from the Mondi kerbside paper pick-up scheme and the SPCA logo is used on their Ronnie bags.
Until next time
With best regards
Chris Kuch
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