Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What is Paws Abilities?

Paws Abilities is a unique environment where dogs and owners are educated without stress or force. Each dog and handler are treated as individuals, with their own personalities, and needs.

We really are blessed to have really fantastic facilities The school is situated in a rural enviroment, on a quiet lane. We operate on a four acre, tree lined (fully fenced) field - great for hot summer days! The environment was specifically created to provide dogs and owners with a stress free learning enviroment. We even have specially created play areas (for supervised free play) we also have a doggie spash pond, doggie treats (and human refreshments) and doggie equipment, chews and toys on sale - and even have (people) toilet facilites!

We are constantly upgrading our grounds and facilities and pride ourselves on offering the widest range of dog training disiplines and activities to suit every dog and owner.

Our doggie activities include
Early puppy education
Specialised clicker courses
Good citizen courses
Social groups
Formal (show standard) obedience
Social obedience
Dog (contact) agility and dog jumping

Our Dog Sports class is a "first" in South Africa
and includes newly developed fun activities for (advanced) dogs - away from the grind of formal dog training (obedience) a sport where the dogs have fun and learn to use their minds!

Our Instructors are also one of a kind.
Their requirements are as follows:-
Our Dog Training INSTRUCTORS
Have Vast EXPERIENCE in Many Dog
Disciplines/Dog Sports, TO COMPETITIVE LEVELS!

· 3 – 5 years, practical experience, as a handler, at a reputable, positive reinforcement obedience school, & proof of competitive achievements within the Kennel Union / Federation organisations, in one or more disciplines.

· Proof of attendance of training seminars and workshops! (Education of instructors is on-going)

· Dog “Breed” knowledge – genetics/breed characteristics.

· A sound scientific knowledge of basic canine behaviour.

· Knowledge of the critical stages of early canine development.

· Knowledge of many different, gentle, non-confrontational, positive reinforcement, training methods.

· People skills, the desire to learn, an open mind, and a sense of humour!

· People & dog handling/training and behaviour skills;

· An extensive knowledge of canine communication / behaviour;

· Basic problem solving; A training class is not a suitable platform for solving serious behaviour problems, more often, such behaviour problems need individual counselling, and on going behaviour modification.

· Ways to avoid, reduce, resolve, and eliminate aggression without the use of force and punishment.

· Knowledge of many, different non-correction, positive reinforcement training methods. Essential, as each dog is different, each handler is different and the combinations thereof are infinite;

· Extensive knowledge on “problem solving” training, & knowledge of the many various different dog sports & disciplines.

Knowledge of the different KUSA/Federation ring requirements.

Apart from the above - they are really a great friendly crowd!
Chat soon

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