Monday, December 14, 2009



09 DECEMBER 2009

If the approach to the festive season wasn't fraught enough for those of us in the animal welfare sector, this year has been particularly busy with significant issues coming to the fore as 2009 comes towards an end. We summarise below the matters we refer to and in so doing we assure our readers that we are doing whatever we can in the interests of animals. We reiterate that the approach of negotiation and diplomacy is always our initial choice.


The issue of the proposed slaughter at stadiums for the 2010 soccer World Cup is one of these issues which the National Council has taken up. On 11 November 2009, the National Council of SPCAs (N SPCA) sent an e-mailed communication to Minister Sicelo Shiceka, the Minster of Co-Operative Governance and Traditional Affairs. We asked for a meeting on the issue of the proposal relating to the traditional slaughter of animals at the 2010 stadiums.

As no response was received, an urgent appeal was made to all role-players to meet with us on this important issue. Our unequivocal stance is the protection of animals which includes transportation and handling of any animal plus method of slaughter. The N SPCA has stated in a press release that we do not condone or support the proposal for ritual/traditional slaughter at the World Cup.

The N SPCA will continue our efforts to pursue this issue, including over the festive period. Some issues will not rest.


Readers may be aware by now that the bare-handed killing of the bull proceeded on Saturday 05 December after the Court case brought by Animal Rights Africa to prevent this was dismissed by Judge Nic van Reyden in the Pietermaritzburg High Court.

It is disappointing to say the least. We add that the N SPCA has opposed this event for over ten years and has met with proverbial "brick walls" in our efforts. It is confirmed that no footage of the killing is available.


The illegal sale of tortoises along the Sun City road is cause for major concern for the Wildlife Unit. The Unit remains in regular contact with North West Nature Conservation under whose jurisdiction this area falls. On 02 December 2009 the Unit was advised that North West Nature Conservation officials had been following leads to complaints and started a campaign also targeting the Golf Challenge at Sun City. Arrests have been made for the illegal possession of leopard tortoises which were confiscated and released into the Borakalalo Game Reserve. Arrests have also been made in Mafikeng. The Unit will continue to monitor the situation.


This issue is not last in terms of ranking. This week has seen issues of momentous importance coming to the fore across the board: - wildlife, farm animals and domestic pets.

The matter relating to the SPCA Randfontein is in hand through the Society Liaison Unit. Questions remain and hopefully resolution of the issues will lead to improvements country-wide. It is a sensitive issue, we accept. There is no denial of what happened or that it was unacceptable. We ask that the caring public joins us in our efforts to promote the welfare of animals especially at this time when their welfare is coming under threat from many sides. This newsletter is proof of that. A wholehearted effort needs to be made to stand together and also to point towards the factors that have led to this tragedy.

Sterilisation needs to be uppermost as an aim for everyone.

Click here to view our new video: - completed in October 2009 with genuine footage taken by N SPCA staff. It is a heart-warming 3 minutes of positive work and achievements which will "speak" to you far more than our words can do. Please don't hesitate to pass on the link to family, friends and colleagues.


It is an honour to communicate with so many caring people who take the time to read our news and support efforts to assist animals. Thank you.

From our side, we reach out to you at this special time of the year to thank you on behalf of the animals. The staff and Board of Directors at the National Council of SPCAs takes this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones everything of the very best and to take you with compassion into 2010. May it bring blessings to you all.

Our newsletter will take a short break and will be back with you in the New Year.

With very best regards

Christine Kuch

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