“Paws Abilities”
Behaviour & Learning Centre
Thank you for showing an interest in the services we offer at Paws Abilities Behaviour and Learning Centre. You and your dog are about to begin an exciting journey, where you will both grow and develop, and have an opportunity to reach your full potential through mutual co-operation and respect! Please note that proof of inoculation is required upon joining. This is for your dog’s protection and to ensure the safety of all the dogs in the school.
WE PROVIDE: A safe rural environment; Club house & shade areas; Toilet facilities; Fully fenced exercise and socialising areas. Regular fun events and socials; A regular informative electronic newsletter; Dog shows/fun days/charity events. We have on sale: Gentle, non-confrontational, passive, dog training equipment; Toys; Treats; Chews; Behaviour and Training books and booklets; Refreshments, etc.
We do not run our school like a military boot camp! Specially developed, fun exercises, make learning fun, for both owner and dog. Only positive reinforcement / reward methods are used. No CORRECTIVE training methods are allowed. No choke chains, no yelling, no punishment, and no jerking leashes - EVER!
1. Paws Abilities Dog Training School - School Rules
2. Problem Pets?, Private, confidential, behaviour consultations for problem pets. Booking essential.
3. Prepare your existing dog for the arrival of a new (human) baby - addition to the family!
4. Early puppy education – for pups from 8 weeks of age (proof of inoculation required)
5. Saturday Training Classes - Timetable and class information
6. Personal Paws – Specialised, personal, individualised, private training (Not available Saturdays).
This is training that is tailor made for your individual needs and requirements. Booking essential.
7. Doggy Day Care Centre – For busy dog owners. Social opportunities, entertainment & education
for dogs and pups. Booking essential. Full time / part time / flexi time – reasonable rates.
8. Gentle Paws Grooming Parlour – Your Dog in Safe Hands: The “open plan” grooming parlour with a
difference! Owner undertakes all grooming personally – no helpers!
Special, gradual accustomisation programmes developed for difficult dogs – no force. Stress free grooming! Now taking Saturday bookings!
All new students are required to pay two-months training fees in advance and a nominal once off “joining/admin” fee. The joining fee includes an in-depth homework manual, monthly electronic newsletter, access to regular workshops, social events and much more!
Thereafter fees are payable monthly in advance. The cost of behavioural consultations is available on enquiry, and varies according to time/location, etc. An average of two hours is needed in order to observe the dog, and obtain an adequate background / history.
We are very much aware of the costs charged by other schools/clubs, and can categorically state, that our cost are very nominal in comparison to other clubs/school and we still offer the most diverse training available, and generally provide the best facilities (which we continually strive to improve). In saying that, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of our students and clients for their loyal support. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any further questions or queries.
082-231-3568 or 082-890-0905 louthomp@mweb.co.za
Kind Regards
Monthly Paws Abilities Newsletter;
Discussion @ Q & A Welcome.
Regular Update Posts;
News; Views; Doggy Gossip;
Behaviour & Training Articles,
A great way to keep in touch, and up to date!
(You will need to open an account – it’s easy and free!)
Paws Abilities School Rules
õ PLEASE, RESPECT OUR GROUNDS AND EQUIPMENT – We have all worked sooooo hard to get and maintain our school and grounds. If your dog digs ANYWHERE PLEASE fill in the hole!! If your dog destroys something – fix it or replace it! We have wonderful facilities LETS ALL LOOK AFTER THEM!
õ If you use any of our training equipment, please pack it away after you have finished with it.
õ SCOOP THE POOP: Handlers must clean up after their dogs toilet!!! Packets are provided, as are bins for the disposal of waste. DON’T LET YOUR DOGS TOILET IN TRAINING AREAS – the scent is extremely distracting when the other dogs are working. This is also to encourage future good ring craft and good dog owner manners. OWNERS WHO DON’T TO “SCOOP THE POOP”
õ PUNCUALITY: Handlers should arrive at the grounds at least 15 minutes prior to class. This is so that the dog can be taken for a slow stroll, can have a good sniff, can be provided with toilet opportunities (a full bowel is not conducive to learning), and a chance to settle down. Handlers arriving late will not be permitted to join a class until this has been done. If you arrive LATE (and the class is busy with an exercise) do not barge into the group, and disrupt the entire class! Be considerate of others and please show respect for the dogs who are working and trying to concentrate. Wait quietly in the background, until the particular exercise is completed.
õ RESPECT OTHER DOGS PERSONAL SPACE – PLEASE Don’t crowd, or encroach on another dogs space – especially a dog/s you don’t know. REMEMBER THAT NOT ALL DOGS ARE SOCIALABLE AND FRIENDLY!!!
õ SOCIALISING: Dogs are not permitted to socialise during class without instructor permission. Handlers are, however, encouraged to stay after training in order to permit their dogs to socialise (if the dogs are compatible). Dogs must learn the difference between work and play. During class, the only play that should be permitted is play learning or structured play - between handler and dog. This assists the learning process. It helps to make the handler more “valuable” and, in that matter, makes the dog more eager to please her.
õ HOMEWORK: As all learning is achieved through the “building-block” approach, all handlers should prepare themselves and their dogs for the following week’s lesson by putting into practice what they have learnt in class at home. This does not have to be formal homework. It is quite sufficient for a handler to perform three to five minutes’ homework a day as part of their daily routine. There is no excuse for not being able to perform a couple of minutes’ homework a day!
õ METHODOLOGY: All training methods must utilise positive reinforcement. No harsh treatment of dogs will be permitted. In addition, all training equipment must be approved by instructors. Equipment that could be considered inhumane or painful may not be used. No choke chains, pinch collars, or electric collars are permitted. With “difficult” dogs, alternative non-confrontational methods will be found. The problem could also be solved through a private behaviour consultation or private individual lessons, until such a time that the handler possesses a level of control where the dog will not disrupt a class or pose a danger to other dogs/handlers or to the public.
õ CONTROL: During training class, all dogs are to be kept on leash, unless told otherwise by an instructor.
õ NO BITCHES IN SEASON are permitted onto the grounds.
õ When on the grounds, all Pit Bull’s shall wear a full cage muzzle at all times – NO EXCEPTIONS!
Problem Pets?
Book NOW for a Private, Confidential
Behaviour Consultation.
Does your pet exhibit any of the following unwanted behaviours?
õ Aggression towards people or pets. | õ Anxiety / neurosis. |
õ Self-mutilation. | õ Fighting or incompatibilities. |
õ Digging or destructive chewing. | õ Escaping or gate bolting. |
õ Excessive barking or howling. | õ Inappropriate toilet habits. |
õ Tail chasing, spinning or shadow chasing. | õ Hyper sexuality, leg/object mounting. |
õ Disobedience, excitability, jumping up, etc. | õ Fears or phobias |
THE BEHAVIOUR CONSULTATION (Advanced booking is essential):
õ On the day of the appointment, the pet & family members will be seen at the consulting rooms, or occasionally, under special circumstances, the pet will be seen in the owner’s home, or for owners in outlying areas telephonic or e-mail consultations may be arranged.
õ When seen at the Paws Abilities consulting rooms, on consultation, the pet will be placed in a secure area, where observations will be made, whilst a full background and history is taken, and all problems being experienced are fully discussed.
õ After an in-depth evaluation, an immediate prognosis is given, followed by a brief oral outline of what is needed for the family to achieve a successful resolution. This is backed up with a full written report, detailing the step by step instructions needed for a successful resolution.
õ The cost varies according to time/location, etc, and an average of two hours is needed.
õ The fee includes: the consultation, a detailed written report, and telephonic back-up.
õ A successful outcome depends largely on owner co-operation, compliance & consistency.
For Gentle Solutions – That Work!
For the “LOVE” of Dogs!
Louise Thompson – Accredited Animal Behaviour Consultant.
Mobile 082-890-0905 (011) Consulting Rooms 969-4467
Accredited Animal Behaviour Consultant & Professional Dog Trainer:
Accredited in 1995 with the Animal Behaviour Consultants of SA (©®™).
Certificate of Companion Animal Behaviour (Faculty of Veterinary Science,
Department of Ethology, University of Pretoria, 1996).
Certificate of Advanced Companion Animal Behaviour (Pretoria Technikon, 1997).
Member of the SA Association of Dog Obedience Instructors (SAADOI) & various similar overseas
organisations for animal trainers and animal behaviourists.
Baby Paws
Concerned about introductions and interactions between your “Best Friend” and your new baby? Prepare you dog for the arrival of your bundle of joy!
Private Consultations / Group Bookings / Antenatal classes etc.
Everyone wants their dog to be good with children. Unfortunately, as pack animals, acceptance of a new baby does not always come “naturally” to a dog, who can view this demanding noisy “newcomer” as a threat to his status and position in the human/animal pack! With all the excitement and fuss, surrounding the birth of a new baby, often the family dog is last on the list of perceived problems. Cases of young babies being mauled and even killed by a family pet are not unknown!
Dogs need to be gently prepared “behaviourally” (if possible up to three months in advance) for them to be able to cope with changes in routine, different focus of his owner’s attention and the many other aspects of the human animal relationship, to ensure long term, positive, human animal interactions.
All methods used are utilising positive reinforcement,
and the dog’s natural behaviour: No punishment, no force
Accredited Animal Behaviour Consultant
Accredited with the Animal Behaviour Consultants of SA:
Certificate of Companion Animal Behaviour – University of Pretoria
Certificate of Advanced Companion Animal Behaviour – Pretoria Technikon
Member of the SA Association of Dog Obedience Instructors (SAADOI)
082-231-3568 082-890-0905
louthomp@mweb.co.za www.animal-behaviour.org.za
“Puppy Paws”
EARLY PUPPY EDUCATION GROUP! Pups may be admitted from about 7 weeks of age and remain in this group until about 5 ½ months of age. Proof of inoculation is compulsory! Puppy school is a time and place where puppies and owners are educated. The aim is to produce a well-adjusted, socially acceptable, adult companion animal. All exercises are taught as fun games and learning methods are reward-based, using the concept of positive reinforcement!
What we cover in class:
Ø The principles of positive reinforcement learning.
Ø Natural bite inhibition & passive, non-confrontational human leadership skills.
Ø Leash skills – how to get your pup to walk on a loose leash.
Ø Confidence-building exercises to produce a well-adjusted pup.
Ø Inter-canine social skills.
Ø Teaching your pup to reliably “come” when she is called.
Ø Handling and examination skills.
Ø Basic canine communication and behaviour.
Ø Puppy stages of behavioural development.
Ø Basic obedience exercises (sit, down, stand, recall, fetch, leave, wait, etc.).
Ø Teaching your pup to concentrate.
Ø Teaching the pup not to run away with your valuable possessions.
Ø Basic puppy behaviour problem solving.
Ø Basic puppy and dog care.
Ø An accompanying in-depth homework book is provided for all new students.
Classes are held each Saturday morning at 8:00. Handlers are expected to be prompt and to be at the grounds 10 minutes before class. They are also expected to clean up after their pups, i.e. to “scoop the poop”. Do not feed your pup prior to class, as food is used as a motivator/training tool. Pups with a full tummy tend to sleep through the entire class – not conducive to learning!
WHAT TO BRING TO CLASS (Please wear old clothes!)
õ A hungry pup restrained on a light, flat collar (or harness) and soft leash.
õ Soft yummy dog treats.
õ A shallow water dish.
õ Dog brush and vitamin tablets – for pill-taking & grooming practice.
õ Toys for playtime.
õ A large sense of humour, and a willingness to learn new things.
Held under the direct supervision of our accredited animal behaviourist, Louise Thompson, and our experienced, understanding instructors. All exercises are performed individually and gentle methods are found to suit each individual puppy and handler.
We “LOVE” Puppies!
Paws Abilities School Timetable
Should you be experiencing any problems with your pet, a behaviour evaluation may be required, prior to integration into a training class. Please contact Louise for more information.
8:00 AM | Early Puppy Education Class | This class includes “Puppy One (from approximately 7 weeks of age or one week after the pups first inoculation) & Puppy Two” (from approximately 4 – 5 ½ months) levels, of early canine learning and education for pups and owners. Owners are taught leadership skills – without bully tactics! | Level One | |
10:00 AM | Puppy Three Class | This is the next level of progressive “building-block” approach training a follow on from the Puppy One and Two class, and is from about 5 – 6 months of age. | Level Two | |
10:00 AM | An introduction to Clicker Training | This group is a specialised training methodology class, using the clicker as a positive reinforcement “marker” to mark wanted or desired behaviours (operant conditioning). | Level One | |
12:30PM | Introduction to Dog Training | This group is for dogs and new owners who have not had the advantage of attending the early puppy education group. For dogs and owners who have not trained before. | Level One | |
12:30 PM | Good Companion / Social One | Handlers with problem dogs or dogs with social difficulties | Level One | |
12:30 PM | Good Companion / Social Two | The Next Level From Intro to Dog Training Providing non-competitive owners dogs with life skills. | Level Two | |
12:30 PM | Obedience – Elementary Beginners / Beginners | The Next Level From Introduction To Dog Training. Readiness for obedience competitions – However, all exercises are taught as light, fun games – no pressure! | Level Three | |
2:15 | Social Class – Advanced Level | For non-competitive handlers – fun obedience / games and a bit of all disciplines with your dog (a reasonable level of off leash obedience is necessary). | Level Four | |
2:15 | Advanced Formal Obedience Class (Show Standard) | For serious minded handlers and dogs – readiness for show standard. Novice to C Test Class. However, this group emphasises training as being fun for the dogs and their handlers – never a repetitive chore! | Level Four/Eight | |
2:15 | Advanced Dog Sports Class | Fun mental exercise, games and various dogs sports (rally-obedience, ball pond scent, target recalls, fly-ball, various retrieve games (water retrieves/food retrieves) country agility, various concentration and mind stimulation games, tricks and other fun games). For dogs that are reliable off leash and have a reasonable level of obedience and social skills (most exercises are conducted off leash). | Level Four/Eight | |
3:30 | Contact Agility | The safest form of Agility. Dogs are taught control, self discipline and concentration. With the emphasis being on safety first! A full agility / obstacle course is available | From Beginners to Advanced | |
| Personal Paws | Specialised, private, individual (personalised) tuition is available BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL! This service is offered for handlers who can not attend weekend classes and/or have dogs with social issues. The eventual aim is integration into a general group class. | | |
Our team of specialised dog training instructors are a dedicated group of highly experienced individuals, (including a resident accredited animal behaviour consultant) and have experience in the following areas:
Many years practical experience in their field. Competitive achievements within the Kennel Union / Federation organisation, in one or more disciplines. Regular attendance of training seminars/workshops. Dog “Breed” knowledge. A sound scientific knowledge of basic canine behaviour. Knowledge of the critical stages of early canine development. Knowledge of many different, gentle, non-confrontational, positive reinforcement, training methods. People skills, the desire to learn, an open mind, and a sense of humour!
“Personal Paws”
Private, Personalised, Dog Training Lessons.
If you are looking for training that’s tailor made to suit you
and your dogs individual needs - THIS IS FOR YOU!
1/ Personal Training is “one on one”. Learning is based on the handler & his/her dog’s individual needs and capabilities. No more having to keep up with the rest of the class! nor are you ever held back. The time is spent ONLY on you and your dog as a team!
2/ Handlers are able to request training aimed at any specific problems you are currently experiencing.
3/ Whether you have never trained before, or are currently NOT getting results and becoming frustrated – this is the method for you!
4/ Ideal for handlers you are unable to attend weekend training. (Most training schools only are in operation on weekends)
5/ The handler/dog’s age does not matter, its never to late to learn!
6/ Personal Paws offers - Clicker training, Agility, Obedience Training (Domestic & Show), Trick Training, Fun Games, Dog Sports, and General Good Manners.
7/ The training grounds are situated in a safe and secure area in the Benoni area. There is plenty of shade, and there are toilet facilities available
8/ Personal Paws has gentle, experienced instructors and is run under the same guidelines and ethics as Paws Abilities Behaviour & Learning Centre. No harsh methods are employed. No choke chains. No yelling. Only positive reinforcement methods of learning are employed.
Louise Thompson @ 082-231-3568 or 082-890-0905
Or - Mandy Pigott @ 082 495 2050
Paws Abilities
Behaviour & Learning Centre
Paws Abilities Doggie Day Care Centre.
A specialised service for busy, working moms and dads.
Does your best friend have too much time on his paws?
Are you coming home each day to garden damage and more?
Is your dog or puppy alone without adequate mental and physical stimulation?
If you dog/pup is socially acceptable, here is the perfect answer for you!
Paws Abilities Doggie Day Care Centre:
ü Constant supervision.
ü A structured day of entertainment, education, and fun, for your fur kids!
ü Play time and socialising opportunities.
ü Educational games.
ü Rest Time.
ü Good manners education (including loose leash walking, and other basic manners).
ü Exposure to livestock
ü Life skills, confidence building, and much more.
ü Full time, part time, half day, and casual care available.
Contact Louise on 082-231-3568 or 082-890-0905
Or Emma at 082-923-9317
“Gentle Paws”
A Special Grooming Experience!
õ PLAYTIME: Treat your dog to an outing in the country! Grooming Becomes a treat – NOT A PUNISHMENT! All dogs are taken for a fun walk, and given the opportunity to run and play in our safe, escape proof, dog friendly, dog park, prior to grooming. This provides them with a good association with the grooming experience!
õ ExclusiVE, INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION!: During the week, only one family’s dogs are groomed at once and only one family’s dogs are on the premises at one time!
õ TRUST: No assistants/helpers! No stress! The owner undertakes all grooming, washing etc herself! Unhurried, gentle, dog grooming! For example: - If your dog has a hair dryer issue – no problem – no rush, he will be hand dried! We will adapt to suit the dog – on his terms – with his safety and comfort coming first!
õ COMFORT: No cages – dogs have a paved, shade play area in which to play and dry. All dogs are washed in warm water – All year round!
õ COMPETITIVE PRICES: No hidden costs. For badly matted or un-kept dogs, - just call for a price. No surprises!
õ DIFFICULT DOGS: If you have a dog with GROOMING ISSUES – WE CAN HELP! Gentle, gradual accustomisation programmes undertaken for dogs with grooming issues.
õ PREVENTION & TREATMENT: Early puppy accustomisation programme. Get your puppy used to grooming from an early age.
Contact: Emma Thompson at - 082-231-3568
or 082-923-9317 Electronic address. louthomp@mweb.co.za
Gentle Paws – Your Dog In Safe Hands!
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